Cruncher Block and Royalton up for grabs on eBay AGAIN
U.B.Funkeys Rare Treasures on eBay
Well I've been sleeping on the job! Sorry all, just caught these gems on eBay last night and realized that just about every other Funkeys site had already reported on them... Click the images to see them on eBay...  Someone obviously either had access to some prelim figures in Asia or access to the display figures from a toy trade show. They have some great looking Funkeys up for auction right now. My only question is whether these guys even have chips in their feet. I'm guessing no, but I could be wrong. The obvious ones to point out are the Speed Racer characters Taejo, Cruncher Block, and Royalton. Another of note is a blue Maul. Labels: Cruncher Block, ebay, Maul, Purchasing Funkeys, Royalton, Speed Racer, Taejo, Trixie
Wendy's Kid's Meal Funkeys Toys
As the campaign for U.B.Funkeys winds down at Wendy's the toys are starting to trickle in at eBay. I for one don't have a Wendy's very close so I'll be going to the ol "after market" myself. I see that there are currently a few full sets of all five toys as well as some singles being sold through eBay Stores... Check them out on eBay...   Labels: ebay, Purchasing Funkeys, Wendy's Kid's Meals
Funkeys Game Creators Mulch and Ace on eBay
Just got word overnight from the forum's Funkikiflurry that Ace and Mulch were on eBay. Sure enough I checked and there is currently one Mulch listing and one Ace listing. Both are set to end on August 1st. Hopefully we'll be seeing them all in stores soon! :) You can click the images to see them on eBay...  Labels: Ace, ebay, Game Creator, Game Factory Tool, Mulch, Purchasing Funkeys
Very Rare Paradox Figures, Something Is Very Wrong
So I've been watching the Paradox Green figures on eBay so far (or I guess I should just call them Series 5 since two of them are labeled as Hidden Realm) and I know I can't be the only one wondering why in the world they've all been the Very Rare versions so far? I'm not saying that "a lot" of them are the Very Rare, "ALL" of them have been so far. Take a look. Here are links to each of the four figures out so far on eBay right now. As of the time I'm writing this, here are the counts: Nectar : Common: 0 - Rare: 0 - Very Rare: 11Tadd: Common: 0 - Rare: 0 - Very Rare: 8Rastro: Common: 0 - Rare: 0 - Very Rare: 12Maul: Common: 0 - Rare: 0 - Very Rare: 14So what's up? Labels: Hidden Realm, Maul, Nectar, Paradox Green, Purchasing Funkeys, Rastro, Series 5, Tadd
Update: Maul and Nectar Sighted as Well
The same seller that sold the Rastro and Tadd now has Nectar and Maul up, again both the VERY RARE versions! They are "Buy It Now" auctions for $24.99 so you better hurry if you want them! :) Maul is here... -- Nectar is here... Labels: Funkeys News, Hidden Realm, Maul, Nectar, Paradox Green, Purchasing Funkeys
Paradox Green Figures are Finally Here!
Checked eBay earlier and "Bam!", there they were. Then they were gone! :( Yeah, Paradox Green Funkeys were on eBay, the VERY RARE versions of both Tadd and Rastro and they sold via "Buy It Now" for $24.99 each. The seller was either in a hurry to make some money or didn't realize how much more they would have likely gotten if they had left them up for bidding. They always go crazy high at first... Anyway, this is what many of us have been waiting for! The floodgates will likely open soon on eBay for those who don't have good distribution nearby. I seriously still haven't found any multiplayer Dream State figures in the store but one time. Of course the TWO they had were both ones I had already broken down and purchased on eBay months after being released. But enough about me! Check to see if there are Paradox Funkeys on eBay now!Interestingly, the seller was out of Chicago this time. Might be a good idea to keep an eye open in that area. :) These are the ones that sold already...  Labels: ebay, Funkeys News, Paradox Green, Purchasing Funkeys, Rastro, Tadd
Calm Before the Funkeys Storm?
It's been quiet on the Funkeys front. Very very quiet... For those who are still trying to fill in the holes of your collection while waiting for the next series, I've noticed that the Target Exclusive Funkeys Plushies have become a LOT cheaper to pick up on eBay! Other stuff you can round up pretty cheap over there on eBay right now are the Funkeys Speakers ,the Funkeys Flash Drives and the Funkeys Storage Cases , all of which were Target Exclusives as well. The bright spot in the lull is that there IS a new series coming this summer. As we know, it's Paradox Green and it looks like it's going to be pretty cool. The game creation aspect (Game Factory) could really help with the fact that some of you play through the games so fast you get bored waiting for the next series. With the game creation aspect of Paradox Green, everyone should be able to keep each other interested and entertained by creating their own games to share! :) Hmmm... Once we know how it works, we'll need to add a new area to the forum to support all the "check out my new game" posts. As many have already brought up, the Paradox Green Funkeys are being pre-sold at Entertainment Earth. You can click below to check them out... UB FunKeys Paradox Green Single Pack Assortment Case  UB FunKeys Tools Assortment Set  If you choose to pre-order them, I'd love to hear back from some of you when you get them! I'm curious how long they take to get them out once they start showing up... Labels: Funkeys Cases, Funkeys Flash Drives, Funkeys Speakers, Game Factory, Paradox Green, Plushies, Purchasing Funkeys
U.B.Funkeys Promotional T-Shirt with Sprocket
As many of the forum members know, I scored a U.B.Funkeys T-Shirt last year that was part of a short run for promotional purposes. It is black and sports an awesome Sprocket design. Now just to be clear, this auction I came by on eBay is not mine! I LOVE mine and wear it often. The auction is for a brand new (unworn) XL Size of the same shirt. If you're looking for a unique shirt and love Funkeys, this is the one for you! Click here to check out the auction on eBay or click the image below...  Labels: ebay, Promotional Merchandise, Purchasing Funkeys, Shirt
Taejo (Speed Racer) U.B.Funkeys Figure on eBay
We were all disappointed last year when it was announced that the Speed Racer Series of U.B.Funkeys was not going to be completed and that the second wave was on hold (later to be canceled). Thanks to the lack-luster performance of the movie and sales of the toys, the license was a bust and Mattel/Radica needed to cut their losses.  Fast forward to last week and some saw a listing on eBay for a group of used Funkeys that included what looked to be a Taejo Funkey or at least what looked to be a REALLY good fake. I'm assuming a little here, but the winner of that auction is likely the one who this week is now selling a Taejo on eBay. They claim to have played it and claim that it works... The description reads: YOU ARE BIDDING ON ONE U.B. FUNKEY SPEED RACER TAEJO ULTRA RARE - NEVER OFFICIALLY RELEASED IT DOES EXIST AND IT DOES WORK, I HAVE PLAYED IT, BUT COULD NOT GET INSANE HIGH SCORE Bid at your own risk, but this seller does have really good feedback, so I have a hard time believing that they are lying about it. I'm just really curious how this got out on the market...  Labels: ebay, Purchasing Funkeys, Speed Racer, Taejo
Living without Hidden Realm Funkeys?
As we've pointed out before, theInToy out of the UK ships Internationally pretty much *anywhere*. So if you're looking for U.B.Funkeys and you live somewhere that doesn't usually get the new ones very quickly (like say the UK or Guam?) they may prove to be a great source. They usually have the UK only black Dream State starter in stock and currently they have what looks to be ALL of the Hidden realm singles including the rare and very rare versions! Check it out... :) Labels: Black Hub, Hidden Realm, International Shipping, Purchasing Funkeys
Funkeys Ultimate Checklist Version 3.0
Say it with me now... Finally!Yes, it's about time another version of the Funkeys Ultimate Checklist was released. Sorry it's been so long, but I think you'll find this one to be up to date with the latest and greatest... :) Sample thumbnail...  All three versions are made to print out on one sheet of paper... Click here for the PDF version... (1.45MB) Click here for the PNG version... (322KB) Click here for the BMP version... (9.16MB) And as always, if you're still looking for some of these Funkeys, there's a handy guide right here...Labels: checklist, funkeys, Purchasing Funkeys
Just a quick heads-up... The limited edition (12,000 made) Target exclusive Dream State Very Rare 4 Pack with the foil card inside is now available on the Target.com website for the same $25.99 at in the stores. Here are a few images... :) Labels: Dream State, Drift, Exclusive Funkeys, Ptep, Purchasing Funkeys, Target, Vlurp, Waggs
UBFunkeys 4.5 - Funkey Trunk Update is Here!
Wow! Hot on the tail of the 4.0 Hidden Realm Update, we now have the version 4.5 release called Funkey Trunk. It's not as big as the last update but still a healthy 70+ MB download so those of you who waited all night for the last one to download on your dial-up account, get ready for another agonizing wait... I must say that these latest updates show just how much effort the folks at Mattel/Radica are putting in to our beloved game. If you haven't explored the Hidden realm Update yet, you're really missing out on some awesome visuals! The scene with the flying ship that takes you to Hidden realm alone is very impressive. Reports on the forum are that the Hidden Realm purchases made on eBay and Amazon.com have started to show up and people are starting to play, but so far I've seen no reports of them in real-world stores like Walmart or Target. I'll personally be waiting to find them in the stores, but I'm a cheapskate... :) I've heard a little about what this new update introduces, but I'll wait for clarity before reporting on it here. Have fun as always and feel free to post back here about what you find! :) Labels: Game Updates, Hidden Realm, Purchasing Funkeys
The Hidden Realm Funkeys have started showing up on eBay, so they'll be hitting shelves around the US soon. If you're an impatient collector, feel free to pay way too much for them right now... :) Labels: ebay, Hidden Realm, Purchasing Funkeys
Buying Funkeys Online and Support theSpeakEasy!
OK, I don't usually post things this direct and "spammy" but U.B.Funkeys news is a bit dry right now and I'm behind (again) on getting new custom Funkeys pages ready to post and wanted to post "something". So since we are coming up on a period of mass spending in the US and many other countries, I thought I'd take this opportunity to point out the "Where to Buy Funkeys" page on this site. It's a simple guide to help locate the Funkeys you want and the added bonus for us here is that purchases made after following the links on that page help in a small way to support the hosting and maintenance of this site. OK, I feel all slimy now for doing that, and I promise you won't see another post like it in QUITE a while!!! On a Funkeys note, from everything we've ben hearing, the first Hidden Realm Funkeys may very well be hitting the shelves in mid to late December! :) Labels: Amazon.com, ebay, Hidden Realm, Purchasing Funkeys
Funkeys Poster Found on eBay
Looking through the eBay listings today, I came by a UBFunkeys poster that was apparently given out at the SDCC. The down side to it is that it is a "bonus" item in an auction for a Dot figure, which usually always goes for over $100! Too bad, because I'd love to get that poster... Labels: Dot, ebay, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkeys Poster, Purchasing Funkeys
Plush Funkeys, Funkeys Waterbottle, and Funkeys Mousepad
There is a recent increase in U.B.Funkeys related merchandise popping up. The biggest news regarding official merchandise is the fact that the plush line of Funkeys has started showing up in Target stores! Though they are not selling them on Target.com, they are making their way on to eBay now.Also showing up on eBay are some promotional items that look to have been given away earlier this year at the San Diego Comic Con. There is currently a water bottle featuring an image of Tank for sale here...There was also a Funkeys mousepad that just sold a few days ago... Labels: ebay, Exclusive Funkeys, Plush, Plushies, Purchasing Funkeys, SDCC
UK Exclusive Black UB Starter Available to the UK and Beyond
The nice folks over at theINtoy.com have given me the scoop that they now have a limited supply of the Black Hub Starter Packs in hand and will be adding them to the site around 18:00 GMT (or roughly 1:00PM Eastern US) today, Tuesday Oct 21st. Click here to check it out!They actually have a nice supply of Dream State figures in (including Rares and Very Rares as well as Chat Funkeys and they ship pretty much ANYWHERE!!! UPDATE Oct 22nd: They ran out of stock yesterday but have more up now. Go!!! Labels: Black Hub, Exclusive Funkeys, Purchasing Funkeys, UK
Funkeystown Adventure Pack Exclusive Hits K-Mart Stores
The Funkeystown Adventure Pack sold exclusively through K-Mart has started hitting shelves at various K-Mart stores. The pack was initially reported on eBay a few days ago, but many of our forum members have started finding them at their local K-Mart stores and the following image was supplied by amlovelady...  The set includes Mayor Sayso, Master Lox, one of the Henchmen, and YET ANOTHER Bones for everyone that is still without a Bones... :) Sorry but come on, all of the long-time collectors just got an extra Bones with their Dream State starter pack a few month back. Why not a second color from the four different Henchmen? Even though I have to complain a little, I'm still really excited about this pack and hope that hope to find it soon myself! So far, the pack has not shown up on the K-Mart website. Labels: Adventure Pack, Bones, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkeystown, Henchmen, K-Mart, Master Lox, Mayor Sayso, Purchasing Funkeys
Funkiki Island Adventure Pack is Back! Hurry!
Funkeys Hidden Realm Pre-Order now Available
Forum member CD-ROM pointed out this morning that there was now a pre-order on Amazon.com for a 4-pack of Hidden Realm figures. Some of the members immediately reminded the forum about the pre-orders we placed with Amazon for the Speed racer Starter Set, and the issues some of us had getting them in a timely manner. Some had to pass them up at the store because they were waiting on Amazon to ship their pre-order. The pre-order page currently shows a release date of November 15. I contacted Funk-E this morning regarding this and was told that the landing date was tentatively for Dec 15th (no guarantees), but definitely not in November. So... Take this news any way you'd like. The pre-order is through Amazon, not a reseller, so it's legit. The release date is incorrect. Also it doesn't have an image yet and just says "4-pack", so I'm curious if this will be a four pack like we saw for Dream State where there was one normal version of four different figures, or whether it will be like the 4-packs sold by Target where you get a blind packed box with four singles of various rarity. Check it out yourself and let us know back here if you chose to pre-order or not! Labels: Amazon.com, Bomble, Hidden Realm, Pre-Order, Purchasing Funkeys, Raj, Singe, Yang
U.B.Funkeys Funkiki Island Adventure Pack is Here!
I got my Funkiki Island Adventure Pack today from Target and ran it home on lunch for my son to play after school today. I took a quick snapshot with my cell along with my three Dream State UB hubs (regular, pink Toys R Us Exclusive, and black UK exclusive)...  Gotta love the new stuff! I'm curious how my kids will enjoy the Adventure Pack... Labels: Dream State, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkiki Island, Jerry Pearl, Natives, Pineapple King, Purchasing Funkeys, Target
Funkiki Island Adventure Pack Now Available
Sorry, I know I'm a little late posting this. The Target Exclusive Funkeys Adventure Pack was first found to be available for purchase on the Target site on the evening of Oct 2nd. It's been available on and off since then as they are likely working through their inventory. The site at this point says that this will be an online exclusive and not available in stores.  For those of you who do not yet know, the Funkiki Island Adventure Pack (with exclusive figures Jerry Pearl, a Funkiki Native, and the Pineapple King) is one of two that Mattel has announced. The other (a Kmart exclusive) will be based in Funkeystown and include Master Lox, Mayor Sayso, and Henchmen. There is no date associated to that pack yet. Labels: Adventure Pack, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkeystown, Funkiki Island, Henchmen, Jerry Pearl, Master Lox, Mayor Sayso, Natives, Pineapple King, Purchasing Funkeys
Funkeys Plushies Images on Target.com
The target.com site is now showing images of the first Plush UBFunkeys coming out including Deuce, Lucky, Waggs, Berger, Bones, and Sprocket. The odd thing about them being on the site is that they are only available in the Target stores. They will not be available to order online. So what do you think? Personally, I'm a bit disappointed with the way they look... Labels: Berger, Bones, Deuce, Exclusive Funkeys, Lucky, Plush, Plushies, Purchasing Funkeys, Sprocket, Target, Waggs
Funkeys Funkiki Island Adventure Pack at Target
The rumored Funkiki Island figures are finally a reality. Reports started flowing in this morning of the Funkiki Adventure Pack listed at Target.com. The pack looks to include a Funkiki Native, Jerry Pearl, the Pineapple King, and Sol. Images of these first showed up after the NY Toy Fair, which you can see here. You can check now if they are in stock yet by clicking here. Labels: Adventure Pack, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkiki Island, Jerry Pearl, Natives, Pineapple King, Purchasing Funkeys, Sol
That's right, for the first time (so far) a San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Dot Funkey topped the $100.00 mark on eBay. Well, if you include shipping it did. The closing bid was $97.73 plus $6 for shipping! See the listing here...I guess this is good news for those who own one (or two) from the show and want to sell them for a quick profit, but it doesn't bode well for those who have been hoping to see the price come down so they can have one to use in the U.B.Funkeys game. It's still not entirely clear if/when the other two color variations of Dot (yellow and green) will be released or how limited they will be, but for now the 2000 red Dot Funkeys are getting harder and harder to come by. One small ray of light is the fact that we have secured an extra Dot here at theSpeakEasy and plan to give it away soon. We'll run a contest to see who gets it, so keep checking back and we'll post the details soon! If the contest doesn't sound like your cup of tea but you really want one, you can see if there are any active Dot listings on eBay right now...Feel free to discuss this here in the forum...Labels: Contest, Dot, ebay, Exclusive Funkeys, Purchasing Funkeys
New Black Dream State UB Hub in the UK
Funk-E had hinted ( in installment #2) that there would be another color variation of the Dream State UB hub , and it looks as though it has landed in the UK first! Darktwinx, a member on the forum ordered it from a UK based site called Argos, and sent me an image to post. You can order it here, but only if you live in the UK for now.  Labels: Dream State, Purchasing Funkeys
Dream State 4-Packs Discovered
Last night at Toys R Us, I stumbled by a Dream State 4-Pack that I didn't even know existed. Of course they were all the common versions of each figure; Waggs, Vlurp, Ptep, and Drift. Heh, wouldn't THAT be a find to get a 4-Pack of all Rares or Very Rares. So for those who don't have any of them yet, this could be a great way to jump in to Dream State. It was $22.99 at TRU which isn't a great price for four singles, but at the ridiculous TRU exchange rate of $7.99 per single Funkey, it's a relative savings. Anyway, I left it there but I took a picture with my phone!  Labels: Dream State, Drift, Ptep, Purchasing Funkeys, Vlurp, Waggs
Dream State Singles, Chat Packs, and Funkeys Speakers!
I finally found some of the new stuff myself this weekend! On Friday, I scored a pair of the Funkey Speakers that look like Scratch. I also saw the Lotus flash drive, but decided to wait on that until later. I'll be hooking them up at work tomorrow to see how they sound. I doubt they'll sound all that fantastic, but that's not the point of these babies and I don't exactly crank up the music at the office... :)  Also, I found the four chat funkeys and well as two Dream State singles, Vlurp and Rare Ptep. Here's a shot of my Dream State Funkeys so far...  They are finally getting a little easier to find. I've seen posts about them now showing at Target, Walmart, Meijers, and K-Mart... Labels: Chat Funkeys, Dream State, Drift, Funkeys Speakers, Gabby, Holler, Images, Ptep, Purchasing Funkeys, Rewind, Rom, Vlurp
More Images of the Funkeys Computer Speakers
Our forum member webgopher posted some images of the Scratch speakers she bought from Target. As you can see in the images, they are bigger than the UB hub, which is bigger than I expected them to be! The ring around his face also lights up. I do believe I'm going to have to track a set of these down... :) I also see that there are currently a few sets on eBay... You can see the whole thread here and join the conversation...Labels: Funkeys Speakers, Images, Purchasing Funkeys, Scratch