Hidden Realm Names Bomble and Singe or Yeti and Kali
I know this is causing a lot of confusion so I thought I’d give this a little attention. When any toy line is being conceived, character names tend to be in flux many times far longer than they should be. This could be simply because of creative decisions being prolonged or at time it is a legal issue with trademarks.
During the pre-production phase, many names are considered “working names”, which is basically a way to identify something when its name is not final. We saw a case of a working name getting printed on the first round of U.B.Funkeys starter kit packaging. The character we’ve all come to know as Dot was originally printed as Spot.
Many times, game files also get named using working names or generic terms because development of the software must move forward even if the final names or characters, games, places, and so on are not finalized.
With all that said, let’s get on to the subject at hand. The working names of the four Hidden Realm Funkeys were Kali, Yeti, Yang, and Raj. Their names were not finalized until late in the process because in this case, game files were named this way, stores were getting pre-sales information using those names, and even the first version of the Codex was downloaded with those names in place.
But the final names that were decided on by the design team were Singe, Bomble, Yang, and Raj. The biggest piece of evidence that this decision was made late in the process is the fact that even the first round of packaging for Singe and Bomble say Kali and Yeti on them. This was a mistake, and will likely be corrected for the second run of the figures. The Codex has been updated to reflect the correct names and the storyline “movies” within the game use the correct names as well.
Because of all the mistakes with these names, I’m sure it will be confusing for a while, but this is straight from Funk-E. The names are Singe, Bomble, Yang, and Raj.