
The Characters of U.B.Funkeys

Series 1 - Wave 1

Series 1 - Wave 2

Series 2 - Funkiki Island

Speed Racer Series
Cannonball Taylor

Series 3 - Dream State Wave 1

Series 3 - Dream State Chat Funkeys

Series 3 - Dream State Wave 2

Series 4 - Hidden Realm

Funkeystown Adventure Pack
Mayor Sayso
Master Lox

Funkiki Island Adventure Pack
Jerry Pearl
The Pineapple King
Funkiki Native

SDCC 2008 Exclusive

Unreleased Funkeys


Master Lox

Master Lox

Not much is known about the mysterious and evil Master Lox, other than the fact that he is the greatest threat to Funkeys society since the great Funkey wars of the 3rd Funkazoic Era!

Master Lox first appeared after the destruction of the Great Disaster, and has been causing trouble for the Funkeys ever since. Some believe that it was Master Lox himself that caused the great disaster, while others believe that the great disaster somehow created Master Lox, but regardless, all Funkeys agree that he is quite the dubious character.

Master Lox is constantly dreaming up new and ever increasingly dubious ways to take over Funkeystown and all of Terrapinia so that he can impose his idea of what Funkeys society should be. With his disdain for the quirky individuality of each Funkey tribe, Master Lox wants to rule Funkeys with an iron fist. He seeks conformity and rigid order in everything, and has the motto: “Every Funkey in its proper place!” If it were up to Master Lox, he would rename the Funkeys something like the “conform-Funkeys” or the “hyper-efficiency-makes-the-proletariat-happy-keys.” So it is the Funkeys’ duty to prevent this from ever happening.

It was Master Lox who has somehow locked the remaining functional portals so that only certain Funkeys are allowed access throughout the land. It is also Master Lox who created those bothersome henchmen. It is unknown what new and evil plans he is currently scheming, but it is assured that whatever it is, it will not be good for the peaceful inhabitants of Terrapinia.

Keep up the brave fight Funkeys!

Images of Master Lox

If you have or know of any additional images of Master Lox that you think should be here, please click here and tell me where to find them!

Click them for larger views...

Master Lox Image 1 Master Lox Image 2 Master Lox Image 3 Master Lox Image 4 Master Lox Image 5 Master Lox Image 6 Master Lox Image 7 Master Lox Image 8 Master Lox Image 9 Master Lox Image 10 Master Lox Image 11 Master Lox Image 12 Master Lox Image 13 Master Lox Image 14 Master Lox Image 15 Master Lox Image 16 Master Lox Image 17 Master Lox Image 18 Master Lox Image 19 Master Lox Image 20

Still need a Master Lox figure?

It is only available in the Funkeystown Adventure Pack. You can click below to look for it...
Funkeystown Adventure Pack K-Mart Exclusive
K-Mart Exclusive

What are you looking at? I know I need more content here, sheesh!

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