Ask Funk-E Installment #4 - More U.B.Funkeys Answers From the Source!
We are very excited to give to you all the next installment of "Ask Funk-E"! In this edition, Funk-E answers questions regarding the DC Heroes Funkeys, possible New Adventure Packs, Dot's Future, Deleting Accounts, The Red Buttons, Chats as Singles, the Final Verdict for Vista 64, the Fate of Speed Racer, Mesofunkey Plains, Beautiful Garden, and more! Click here to read Installment #4 now...Labels: Adventure Pack, Ask Funk-E, Beautiful Garden, Chat Funkeys, DC Funkeys, Dot, Mesofunkey Plains, Site Updates, Speed Racer, Vista 64
Funkeys Poster Found on eBay
Looking through the eBay listings today, I came by a UBFunkeys poster that was apparently given out at the SDCC. The down side to it is that it is a "bonus" item in an auction for a Dot figure, which usually always goes for over $100! Too bad, because I'd love to get that poster... Labels: Dot, ebay, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkeys Poster, Purchasing Funkeys
Ask Funk-E Installment #3
The third installment of Ask Funk-E has just been posted! This is the biggest round of questions yet... Topics include: Hidden Realm Funkeys - DC Heroes Funkeys - Adventure Packs - Release Dates - International Shipping - Dot, the SDCC Exclusive Funkey - Bandit and Tach - Additional Chat Features - Changing Crib Names - Funkeys Apparel - TONS of Fan Suggestions Enjoy! Labels: Adventure Pack, Ask Funk-E, Bandit, Chat Funkeys, Cribs, DC Comics, Dot, Funkeys Apparel, Hidden Realm, SDCC, Site Updates, Tach
That's right, for the first time (so far) a San Diego Comic-Con Exclusive Dot Funkey topped the $100.00 mark on eBay. Well, if you include shipping it did. The closing bid was $97.73 plus $6 for shipping! See the listing here...I guess this is good news for those who own one (or two) from the show and want to sell them for a quick profit, but it doesn't bode well for those who have been hoping to see the price come down so they can have one to use in the U.B.Funkeys game. It's still not entirely clear if/when the other two color variations of Dot (yellow and green) will be released or how limited they will be, but for now the 2000 red Dot Funkeys are getting harder and harder to come by. One small ray of light is the fact that we have secured an extra Dot here at theSpeakEasy and plan to give it away soon. We'll run a contest to see who gets it, so keep checking back and we'll post the details soon! If the contest doesn't sound like your cup of tea but you really want one, you can see if there are any active Dot listings on eBay right now...Feel free to discuss this here in the forum...Labels: Contest, Dot, ebay, Exclusive Funkeys, Purchasing Funkeys
Exclusive Dot Funkey Showing Up On eBay
For those who haven't noticed yet, there are exclusive Dot figures from the San Diego Comic-Con showing up on eBay now. From the look of it, they must have been limited to 2 per person because I haven't seen the same seller list more two of them. With only 2000 out there in total, these might become pretty tough to find soon...  Labels: Dot, ebay, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkeys News
Update 3.05 Realeased - Dot Added to Funkeystown
The download for version 3.05 hit on Friday and Dot's place is added the the Funkeystown map, all but assuring us that the talked about "ladybug" exclusive Funkey to be sold at the San Diego Comic-Con will indeed be Dot. Questions still swirl regarding which version of Dot will be release. Or will all three? Below you can see some screen-shots of what's to come...     Labels: Dot, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkeys News, Game Updates
Exclusive Dot Variant to be Released at the SDCC?
Our forum member Pickle has brought to light some recent announcements regarding an Exclusive SDCC "ladybug" Funkey. Could this be our first look at Dot? Being an exclusive, will it be a fourth color variation from the previously released images? We'll find out soon! From the way it's worded below in this release from Mattel, it sounds like it will be immediately playable as well, so there will need to be some sort of download involved. It will either need to be a general download or perhaps one that is activated by this exclusive figure being placed on the UB? Again, questions we should know the answers to soon after the Comic-Con! From Figures.com:Funkeys Exclusive Ladybug - A brand new Funkeys experience with unique online play. Still not consumed by the Funkey’s world? Stop by and pick up a starter kit as well and get your Funkey in full gear. $10.00.
To give fans not attending Comic-Con a chance to own these exclusives, Mattel will be launching a new Collector Website. A very limited number of each of this year’s SDCC exclusives will go on sale on the new site at 8:00am EST on July 28th.
The new website will also provide the latest news, updates, and previews on Mattel's latest toy lines and will also be the EXCLUSIVE HOME of their new Masters of the Universe Classic action figures with a new character to be made available EACH MONTH starting this fall. The URL to this exciting new site will be unveiled at Comic-Con.So anyone else getting up early on the 28th? Labels: Dot, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkeys News, Purchasing Funkeys, SDCC
The character pages are all live now. Feel free to visit the character page or just click on any Character below. There will be much more added to these pages as we have more time and as information is made available... Bandit, Boggle, Bones, Deuce, Dot, Drift, Fallout, Flurry, Glub, Lotus, Nibble, Scratch, Sol, Sprocket, Sprout, Stitch, Tiki, Twinx, Vroom, Wasabi, Webley, and XenerLabels: Bandit, Boggle, Bones, Dot, Drift, Fallout, Flurry, Funkiki Island, Glub, Nibble, Site Updates, Sol, Sprocket, Sprout, Stitch, Tiki, Twinx, Wasabi, Webley, Xener