BergerWhile the Boggle are famous for their butter, the Berger are famous for their cheese! The Berger are master cheese smiths, and have perfected thousands of recipes for creating some quite interesting cheese combinations.
True Funkey food connoisseurs love to attend the Berger’s famous cheese tasting parties where they can debate the merits of each variety of cheese. Does the Triple-Dipple Funkberry Gouda taste better with a glass of fresh Bumblejuice, or is it the not so subtle taster explosion of a dirty Berger cheddar platter more appropriate? It’s all just a matter of taste!
The Berger have a real sense of their history. Their ancient king is preserved in a kind of plastic coating and on the display in the great Berger hall. He is a real tourist draw, attracting many visitors each day. Some find him majestic, others a bit creepy as he stares out at you with plastic eyes.
Not only do the Berger create the most delicious varieties of cheese throughout Terrapinia, they are also the cheesiest when it comes to conversation! The Berger are notorious braggarts, particularly about their cheeses, and always seem to have an obvious and artless way of making a point. They have a very effected way of speaking that makes even their most casual statements sound like conceit. “I’m’ soooooo happy to see you” or “please moooooove your car” come off quite arrogant. Despite this, deep down the Berger are truly good natured Funkeys!
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