Funkeys Hidden Realm Pre-Order now Available
Forum member CD-ROM pointed out this morning that there was now a pre-order on for a 4-pack of Hidden Realm figures.
Some of the members immediately reminded the forum about the pre-orders we placed with Amazon for the Speed racer Starter Set, and the issues some of us had getting them in a timely manner. Some had to pass them up at the store because they were waiting on Amazon to ship their pre-order.
The pre-order page currently shows a release date of November 15. I contacted Funk-E this morning regarding this and was told that the landing date was tentatively for Dec 15th (no guarantees), but definitely not in November.
So... Take this news any way you'd like. The pre-order is through Amazon, not a reseller, so it's legit. The release date is incorrect. Also it doesn't have an image yet and just says "4-pack", so I'm curious if this will be a four pack like we saw for Dream State where there was one normal version of four different figures, or whether it will be like the 4-packs sold by Target where you get a blind packed box with four singles of various rarity.
Check it out yourself and let us know back here if you chose to pre-order or not!
Labels:, Bomble, Hidden Realm, Pre-Order, Purchasing Funkeys, Raj, Singe, Yang
I pre-ordered it. I figured I could always cancel it if I see it in the stores first.
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