SnipeIf you ask a snipe, they will gladly tell you that the snipe are the best trained, best equipped, toughest, fastest, meanest and most humble members of the Funkeys armed recon stealth elites. Of course that’s because only snipe are allowed to join the F.A.R.C.E!
While it is typically the Webley explorers that will discover new lands on Terrapinia (and beyond), it is always an elite group of snipe that will be next sent to the newly discovered territory. Being uniquely suited to sneak around without being detected, it’s the job of F.A.R.C.E. to perform stealth reconnaissance on any new territory, scout out and deal with any potential danger, and make sure that everything is safe for future Funkeys travelers.
The Snipe pride themselves on their extensive training regiments and their military discipline. The distinguished F.A.R.C.E. leader, general Key-Oki expects his troops to always be ready for new and dangerous missions, general Key-Oki, keeps the snipe commandos in constant training exercises so that they will be prepared to deploy at a moment’s notice! Because of this constant training, these groups of snipe become like brothers.
Spending so much time crawling thru high grass and running training mission deep into the bush, has led the snipe to be given the nickname “the Bush Brothers.” most enlightened Funkeys equate the words Bush with F.A.R.C.E. however most Funkeys also say, “may the F.A.R.C.E. be with you….because you certainly don’t want them against you!”
Images of Snipe
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