Toyfair 2009 Funkeys Images Follow-up...
I was in a bit of a hurry when I submitted the last post and I glossed over some of the credit that should have been given. I mentioned but failed to link to them, so please do go check out the rather vast pictorial they have up of the 2009 New York ToyFair... (I've also added a link in the last post) I also failed to mention that although I had been watching the sites that typically post images form the shows, I didn't catch these myself. I noticed the report of these new images by Blogger Mom over on the ubfunkeysarefun Blogger site. She in turn credited obsessedfunkey for getting the report in first over on her blog. This use to be THE only place to come get the latest Funkeys info (besides the official site), but we've got a lot of great blogs out there now to keep us all up to date! :) Tis a good thing... A few more images I didn't get up in the last post... Labels: 2009, Adventure Pack, Daydream Oasis, Hidden Realm, Images, Paradox Green, Toy Fair
Funkeys Images FINALLY Showing Up From ToyFair 2009
All I can say is "it's about time!" The coverage of the NY ToyFair has been miserable this year so far. Hopefully more people have been taking pictures and still plan to post them. As has been swirling through the various U.B.Funkeys Blogs, has posted some images from the Radica booth including Funkeys and the new F.A.M.P.S figures. YOu can check them all out here... I have to admit that while the stuff on display is quite awesome, I was expecting a bit more of a display this year. The display budgets must have been slashed from last year. My favorite images are the ones here that show what we can obviously expect to see in the Adventure Packs for Dream State and Hidden Realm if/when they get released. I'm pumped for these figures! Daydream Oasis Adventure Pack Characters: Hidden Realm Adventure Pack Characters: I think they did a nice job with some of the non-traditional bases in making them look good and still be able to attach to the existing UB hubs... There was more, but I have to run! I'll try and post the rest later tonight... Labels: 2009, Adventure Pack, Dali, Dream State, Goya, Hidden Realm, Marshal, Oni, Paradox Green, Toy Fair, Toy Show
Ask Funk-E Installment #4 - More U.B.Funkeys Answers From the Source!
We are very excited to give to you all the next installment of "Ask Funk-E"! In this edition, Funk-E answers questions regarding the DC Heroes Funkeys, possible New Adventure Packs, Dot's Future, Deleting Accounts, The Red Buttons, Chats as Singles, the Final Verdict for Vista 64, the Fate of Speed Racer, Mesofunkey Plains, Beautiful Garden, and more! Click here to read Installment #4 now...Labels: Adventure Pack, Ask Funk-E, Beautiful Garden, Chat Funkeys, DC Funkeys, Dot, Mesofunkey Plains, Site Updates, Speed Racer, Vista 64
New Forum Smilies Including Hidden Realm
Funkeystown and Funkiki Island Adventure Pack Funkeys Added to Characters Page
We've finally gotten around to adding the Adventure Pack characters pages. This includes Henchmen, Master Lox, Mayor Sayso, Funkiki Natives, Jerry Pearl, and the Pineapple King... A big thanks goes out to Webley3, who typed up the bios for us both for these six pages as well as the Hidden Realm character pages we got up yesterday! Labels: Adventure Pack, Henchmen, Jerry Pearl, Master Lox, Mayor Sayso, Natives, Pineapple King, Site Updates
Funkeystown Adventure Pack Exclusive Hits K-Mart Stores
The Funkeystown Adventure Pack sold exclusively through K-Mart has started hitting shelves at various K-Mart stores. The pack was initially reported on eBay a few days ago, but many of our forum members have started finding them at their local K-Mart stores and the following image was supplied by amlovelady... The set includes Mayor Sayso, Master Lox, one of the Henchmen, and YET ANOTHER Bones for everyone that is still without a Bones... :) Sorry but come on, all of the long-time collectors just got an extra Bones with their Dream State starter pack a few month back. Why not a second color from the four different Henchmen? Even though I have to complain a little, I'm still really excited about this pack and hope that hope to find it soon myself! So far, the pack has not shown up on the K-Mart website. Labels: Adventure Pack, Bones, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkeystown, Henchmen, K-Mart, Master Lox, Mayor Sayso, Purchasing Funkeys
Funkiki Island Adventure Pack is Back! Hurry!
Funkiki Island Adventure Pack Now Available
Sorry, I know I'm a little late posting this. The Target Exclusive Funkeys Adventure Pack was first found to be available for purchase on the Target site on the evening of Oct 2nd. It's been available on and off since then as they are likely working through their inventory. The site at this point says that this will be an online exclusive and not available in stores. For those of you who do not yet know, the Funkiki Island Adventure Pack (with exclusive figures Jerry Pearl, a Funkiki Native, and the Pineapple King) is one of two that Mattel has announced. The other (a Kmart exclusive) will be based in Funkeystown and include Master Lox, Mayor Sayso, and Henchmen. There is no date associated to that pack yet. Labels: Adventure Pack, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkeystown, Funkiki Island, Henchmen, Jerry Pearl, Master Lox, Mayor Sayso, Natives, Pineapple King, Purchasing Funkeys
U.B.Funkeys Exclusive Characters Update 3.2
As first announce by our forum member JustinSprocket, the 3.2 update, called the Exclusive Characters Update, started to hit last night. My computer did not find the update yesterday or today even though it looked for one, but I was just updated by Funk-E that there was a glitch last night and they had to temporarily reverse the update. Mattel hopes to have it ready again either today or Monday. From the discussion in the forum, there is a new update to the Funkiki Island zone which is assumed to be for the Target exclusive Funkiki Island Adventure Packs that are supposed to be hitting the shelves soon. There's more details on that exclusive (with Jerry Pearl, a Funkiki Native, and the Pineapple King) here and more here if you missed that announcement. Further info from Funk-E: I was also informed about a couple VERY exciting new features in this update. Players with unique Funkeys names will now be able to save their progress to the servers. This means two things: 1) We'll be able to recover all player data if anything happens (computer crash?) and we need to re-install everything! 2) We'll be able to play our accounts from different computers! There's more, but Funk-E wanted me to hold off and let everyone discover some on their own as well... Discuss this here!Labels: Adventure Pack, Ask Funk-E, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkeys News, Funkiki Island, Game Updates, Jerry Pearl, Natives, Pineapple King
Ask Funk-E Installment #3
The third installment of Ask Funk-E has just been posted! This is the biggest round of questions yet... Topics include: Hidden Realm Funkeys - DC Heroes Funkeys - Adventure Packs - Release Dates - International Shipping - Dot, the SDCC Exclusive Funkey - Bandit and Tach - Additional Chat Features - Changing Crib Names - Funkeys Apparel - TONS of Fan Suggestions Enjoy! Labels: Adventure Pack, Ask Funk-E, Bandit, Chat Funkeys, Cribs, DC Comics, Dot, Funkeys Apparel, Hidden Realm, SDCC, Site Updates, Tach
More Funkeys Adventure Pack Information
We showed you pictures a few days ago of the coming Target Exclusive "Adventure Pack" containing figures of Jerry Pearl, the Pineapple King, a Funkiki Island Native and Sol. Funk-E, our Mattel insider, was kind enough to fill us in a few more details. There will be two Adventure Packs to begin with, the Funkiki Island one we've already seen as well as one for Funkeystown. The Funkeystown Adventure Pack will contain Mayor Sayso, Master Lox, and an undisclosed number of Henchmen. My guess is 2 though I'd love to see all 4 colors; blue, green, red, and purple. What Funk-E also confirmed was that all the figures are indeed playable being clear that they would have "different abilities then normal Funkeys though". I'm pretty excited to see what changes are to come from these Adventure Packs. We'll obviously have to see another decent sized game update before these hit the stores, so that's likely the next thing to be watching for. In the meantime, we have Dream State Wave 2 staring to land so get out there and find them! Woohoo!!! Labels: Adventure Pack, Ask Funk-E, Dream State, Funkeystown, Funkiki Island, Henchmen, Jerry Pearl, Master Lox, Mayor Sayso, Natives, Pineapple King, Sol
Funkeys Funkiki Island Adventure Pack at Target
The rumored Funkiki Island figures are finally a reality. Reports started flowing in this morning of the Funkiki Adventure Pack listed at The pack looks to include a Funkiki Native, Jerry Pearl, the Pineapple King, and Sol. Images of these first showed up after the NY Toy Fair, which you can see here. You can check now if they are in stock yet by clicking here. Labels: Adventure Pack, Exclusive Funkeys, Funkiki Island, Jerry Pearl, Natives, Pineapple King, Purchasing Funkeys, Sol