New Forum Smilies Including Hidden Realm
It took a while, but I've finally finished making the new smilies for the forum. They have a new look to them that I like much better and I have now added the Funkeystown Adventure Pack characters as well as Hidden Realm. Go update your collection threads!
Oh and there's now individual smilies for the three rarities of scratch, so you'll want to update those as well. Some samples...

Labels: Adventure Pack, Babble, Forum, Funkey Smilies, Hidden Realm, Smilies
Awesome!! too bad your forum would never work for me
I like what you did with the ub hubs.
Check out my blog at
P.S. The word verification was plenti!
Those are soooooo cool! Hey can I use them to make a checklist? PLEASE?
-Funk on
Roco, I'm currently working on a new checklist to share using these images (that's why I had them for the smilies).
Oh k then cool!
-Funk on
Cool! A new checklist!
Cool. I like what you did with the ub hubs.
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