WTGTIV's Awesome Custom Funkeys
As anyone on the Funkeys Babble Forum knows, WTGTIV is one talented dude... :) Between his animated Funkeys graphics and his custom painted Funkeys, we were all impressed. But now he's outdone himself with these Funkeys Familiars he created...

If you'd like to see his other Custom Funkeys and larger views of these Familiars, click here...
If you'd like to see all of his great animated graphics, click here...
Labels: Animated Funkeys Graphics, Babble, Custom Familiars, Custom Funkeys, Forum, WTGTIV
That is sooooo cool! Now I want to make one!!! I just need Pipe Cleaners then wala! :D
-Funk on
wow you made funkey fimilliars (falls of chair)ahhhhhhhhhhhh how did you do that (falls of chair again)
I know how and my moms geting pipe cleaners do I can make one :D!!! That'll be my picture Dyer with a dot familiar :D!
-Funk on
Are the heads on the familiars made out of modeling clay?
Yes. There are instructions listed within the topic. It mentions what was used also.
The topic has a post that gives instructions as to how to make one and with what! They are awesome!
Yes. There is a "How To" post in the topic that tells about what was used as well.
I've made the heads now I just need pipe cleaners and I'll be all done the heads are painted and everything
-Funk on
Wow... Just wow... Your are really talented.
I mean, this is just plain amazing. You can do so many awesome things!
I hope you can use your tallents again. WELL DONE!-80
Thanks for all the positive comments, I appreciate the feedback! I can't thank Augiewan enough for posting these where you all can see them. :D
They're very easy and fun to put together and I encourage everyone who wants to give a try at making them.
Thanks again to all,
im thinking they should make ub funkeys collectors cases that could hold 50 funkeys and in each place to put a funkey it should say the name under so we know were to put them and people know what funkeys we have also there should be also a place to put the funkey adventure figures like a place for a henchmen and a place for the pinapple king
How do you make the animations? They ROCK!
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