Dream State Starters at Toys R Us
The time has come! Robyn over at the UBFunkeysAreFun blog just posted her score of a Dream State starter pack this evening! She has a couple images up including some great pictures of future Funkey releases including an awesome "Abominable Snowman" Funkey!
I'm REALLY surprised we saw them hit stores before eBay this time around. The earlier releases always seemed to hit eBay first like they were getting leaked there.
If you live near a Toys R Us, GO!!! I'll personally wait for the 4 pack, but I know some of you won't want to wait... :)
Labels: Dream State, Funkeys News, Purchasing Funkeys
Hi, this is Robyn from ubfunkeysarefun. Thanks for sharing the news. I, too, am really surprised that as of today,I still don't see the Dream State funkeys on ebay or Amazon.com. I am beginning to wonder if Toys R Us "pulled a Target", like when the Target stores released the Funkiki Island series before they were supposed to! Perhaps I should've bought the other starter set that I saw last night and been the first to list it on ebay!
Or maybe I should've bought it for you! :)
I have the nightmare rift backround music! How do I upload it?
go to that! I uploaded it.
Why are the starter sets for dream state including a bones that we all already have???
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