Scratch Revealed as the Rumored U.B.Funkeys Speakers
We just got some concrete info regarding the Funkeys speakers that have been talked about on the forum. How fitting that they would be produced to look like Scratch! :)

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In other news, the first release of flash drives will be available as four different Funkeys. Deuce and Lotus are confirmed, and the other two are up for speculation at this point. Our assumption is that additional waves will be produced based on how well sales do with the first four.
Labels: Funkeys Flash Drives, Funkeys News, Funkeys Speakers, Purchasing Funkeys, Scratch
i'm not really thrilled about the flash drives, but i am definitely liking the speakers. if the forum chat about it being $40 is correct, that might not been in my near future though, that's a little outrageous.
They are super cute though! Definately going onto my holiday wish list. Scratch was the PERFECT choice for the speakers :D
Bought Vlurp at ToysRUs today in Memphis TN There are four game sites On NightmareRift Portal which I could access with Vlurp
It stinks because I live in washington, (West richland) my town is really small, and the funkeys land in New york, so it takes so long for me to get new funkeys and funkey misc. at my toys r us.
It stinks because I live in washington, (West richland) my town is really small, and the funkeys land in New york, so it takes so long for me to get new funkeys and funkey misc. at my toys r us.
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