PtepIn the golden age, the Ptep were the personal guards to the great king Funkankhamun. While the Stitch were responsible for keeping the secrets of the great king, the Ptep were entrusted with the king’s safety!
King Funkankhamun ruled the land with his inner council: the devoted pet, the trusted stitch and his personal adviser, Kamenwati the magician. While both the Ptep and the stitch were true loyal subjects to the king, Kamenwati desired to usurp the king and rule the Funkeys himself. Kamenwati believed that if he could discover the nature of the secret that Funkankhamun had entrusted to the stitch, that he could bring sown the king and rule the land!
After years of being unable to discover the secret from the trustworthy stitch, Kamenwati decided instead to prepare a curse! a curse that, when cast, would transport the king to the furthest land in Terrapinia so that Kamenwati could finally claim the throne.
The following day, his plan was hatched. While Funkankhamun was eating breakfast, the devious Kamenwati leaned over and whispered the curse in the king’s ear. With a puff of smoke the king vanished! The Ptep, realizing that it was the evil Kamenwati that had banished the king, quickly seized the traitor.
The Ptep decided that if it was the throne that Kamenwati desired, then it was the throne that Kamenwati would get. The Ptep proceeded to seal the magician in a tomb beneath the king’s throne, to be trapped forever!
Always loyal to the king, the Ptep still guard his throne today, making sure that the evil Kamenwati never escapes, and waiting the day that the king will return and bring another golden age to the Funkeys.
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